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Characteristics showed the inside of all human being. It illustrates the personality of the person. Tun Abdul Razak loves sports. He likes to play football, cricket, hockey, tennis, and squash. According to DYMM Tuanku Jaafar ibni al-Marhum Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Abdul Razak never cheated at game. During football match, I never once saw him play foul. When someone rushed him and knocked him down, he never complained or even hit back. According to DYMM Tuanku Jaafar ibni al-Marhum Tunku Abdul Rahman again, Tun Abdul Razak simply got up and rushed back into the game.
Apart from that, Tun Abdul Razak constitute college head boy. As a perfect and head boy, DYMM Tuanku Jaafar ibni al-Marhum Tunku Abdul Rahman reveals that Tun Abdul Razak never scolds anyone. In fact he was helpful to everyone. Although Tun Abdul Razak laughed very little and hardly joined in the telling of bawdy joke, everyone likes him, including the headmaster and teacher. According to DYMM Tuanku Jaafar ibni al-Marhum Tunku Abdul Rahman again, Tun Abdul Razak was a member of Malay College Literary, Dramatic and Debating Society. Tun Abdul Razak cracked joke once in a while, but even in doing so, he kept a straight face. Apart from that, Tun Abdul Razak is also very bright and topped in class most of the time.
When he was the leader of this country he served and struggled for the people and country without looking at creed, race or lineage. He was a leader that brought forth a number of policies to guarantee the lives of all the citizens would be peaceful and harmonious. Tun Abdul Razak was seen as someone very loving and the word pity was always playing at the tip of his tongue. He also didn't like to hurt feelings of other people. Allahyaraham Tun Abdul Razak Dato' Hussein is one sensitive leader on those problems undergone people of this nation. Allahyaraham Tun Abdul Razak Dato' Hussein is a peaceable leader.
Besides, Allahyaraham Tun Abdul Razak Dato' Hussein is one of alive leader people. Allahyaraham Tun Abdul Razak Dato' Hussein like to visit villages and surveys problem self people experience. Allahyaraham Tun Abdul Razak Dato' Hussein successfully enlivened spirit cooperate and reduce colonial culture among Malay administrator.
Apart from that, Tun Abdul Razak is very hardworking and responsible. He spend more time touring districts than the rest of the Cabinet combined, he is always on the move, inspecting, checking, and travelling an average of 60,000 miles a year. On his tours he uses planes, helicopters, boats, bicycles and buses and has often gone on foot to visit remote areas undergoing development in Sabah in the east, or in Perlis on the Thai border. He prefers unannounced, on-the-spot inspections, sometimes to the discomfort of the civil servants involved. The story is told that one District Officer, given three hours notice that Tun Abdul Razak would be calling on him for a full briefing on projects under his supervision, fainted when he heard the Minister's plane overhead.
Apart from that, Tun Abdul Razak also likes to sing. He likes many song, there are 22 songs in this musical backed by props and interesting historical episodes. Some of them like the Enjit-enjit Semut and Joget Pahang are Tun Razak's favourite. The reporter, Rahim while commenting after the preview on why there are so many songs interweaved in the play said this is because this is a special musical where history and the facts are related through songs and dialogue.With a colorful presentation loaded with historical facts, Aswara has certainly put up a commendable performance in honour of a great statesman.